It has been a long time since my last post. phew.... how time flies!
One frikking semester went just like that!
I found a brochure from the German Academic service center (DAAD) lying around, regarding PhD in Germany. Since I remember many of my friends back home asking me about opportunities, and found lots of info on this thing, and I recently installed camscanner on my phone, but had not got a chance to use it properly, I decided to make the doc digital using camscanner :D So here it is, you can download it from my dropbox public folder. Warning: It comes with a stupid pic of mine at the end! +Jomon John I think the information will be useful for anyone with a bachelors degree.
One frikking semester went just like that!
I found a brochure from the German Academic service center (DAAD) lying around, regarding PhD in Germany. Since I remember many of my friends back home asking me about opportunities, and found lots of info on this thing, and I recently installed camscanner on my phone, but had not got a chance to use it properly, I decided to make the doc digital using camscanner :D So here it is, you can download it from my dropbox public folder. Warning: It comes with a stupid pic of mine at the end! +Jomon John I think the information will be useful for anyone with a bachelors degree.
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